Sunday, June 6, 2010

HOTT FUSS brings the noise

Hello gorgeous! Welcome to HOTT FUSS, your newest internet obsession. HOTT FUSS was born from the caffeine soaked brains of two fabulous femmes in a coffee shop during an unseasonably rainy summer afternoon. As we sat there drinking coffee and missing the warm weather outfits we could be wearing, we thought about all of the amazingly hot people we know who put together amazing outfits to express their genders and love for their bodies on a budget. A real budget, not the version of a budget that includes $100 purses. We considered our mutual love of fashion, found objects, liberation, and resistance. We also considered how often our favorite fashion blogs only pick out white, thin, cis-gendered, able-bodied models and folks on the street. We decided to show how many ways there are to be alluring, resistive and look goddamned hot. Expect totally queer, fat positive, multi-gendered D.I.Y. low budget fabulous fucking fashion from all up and down this seething coast and beyond. Expect our "FIERCE FLOTSAM", the various music, flims, photos, editorials, trends, artists and designers that are inspiring us at the moment. Expect photo shoots of your authors, their friends, and good looking strangers on the street. But most of all, look forward to a new kind of fashion blog: one that believes that anyone can look good.

Em & J

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